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Posts published in “Music”

Pianist Rafael Kyrychenko Performs This Saturday

Pianist Rafael Kyrychenko will perform at the Vila Porto Mare resort, for an exclusive piano concert tomorrow, the 28th of December, at 17:00. This concert, part of PortoBay’s cultural project, reaffirms the group’s commitment to offering cultural experiences to its guests and the Madeiran community. The repertoire includes works by…

Musical Advent

The Musical Advent, an initiative of the Directorate of Artistic Education Services (DSEA), started on the 1st of December and continues until the 24th. From December 1st to the 24th, at 9 am, a video will be published on DRE’s social networks – Facebook (@DREMadeira), Instagram (@dre.madeira), and YouTube (@direcaoregionaldeeducacao7854)…

Madeiran Singer Sentenced to Six Years Imprisonment

The Lisbon Court of Appeal confirmed and increased to six years the effective prison sentence imposed on Madeiran singer Rúben Aguiar, convicted of attempted qualified homicide after fleeing after hitting someone with his car. The ruling, quoted by Correio da Manhã, states that “we have no doubt that the defendant wanted…

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