“For almost 400 days the Regional Government has not paid taxi drivers who transport non-urgent patients on behalf of the Regional Health Service of the Region (SESARAM),” declared the JPP – Juntos Pelo Povo. It is believed that more than 2 million euros is owed to the region’s taxi drivers.
In a press statement, the party points out that the situation has been described as intolerable by taxi drivers who were quick to blame the Regional Government. The biggest problem is that the monies were approved under the last budget and they’ve not seen a euro of them.
“As you can see, even when he had the budget approved, Albuquerque did not pay what he owes to those who provide an important health transport service to those who are unable to travel to hospital by other means. He added that ‘it is the taxi professionals who support, and pay for a service that the Regional Government knows it has to pay for.”
The JPP believes that “a breach of protocol by SESARAM could jeopardise the non-urgent patient transport service and warns that any of these people receive pensions and low incomes, a situation that, combined with the constant breakdowns in SESARAM vehicles, could further complicate the already difficult life of those who are sick.
Samantha Gannon
info at madeira-weekly.com