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Concern Over Transportation of Goods

PAN Madeira (People-Animals-Nature Party) has warned of the challenges and difficulties posed in the transport of goods from the national and international territory to the population of Madeira and Porto Santo.

“There have been constant constraints presented by several people who accuse both CTT and private companies of hindering the shipment of goods from national or foreign territory to Madeira and Porto Santo,” denounced the party.

Given the principle of territorial continuity, PAN Madeira considers that as a company, CTT, “must provide a public service, must ensure the service without any constraint,” as well as ensure that “the extra paid services of fast delivery are practiced, because everyone knows that much of the mail sent via express does not reach the Region within the defined deadlines.”

The party considers that the air transport of goods is “little considered since there are numerous flights between the islands and the national territory.”

In addition, the party added, “those companies that opt to transport goods by sea due to cost also use to as a way of creating unspecified arrival dates, leaving many goods to spoil and rot en route.”

“One solution we have presented is partnerships between the Government, transport companies, and organisations in order to overcome these barriers. Correct management of low-cost air transport would be a solution that would give fast and guaranteed delivery times, “argues the party.

The party wants the matter to be addressed and resolved in the new regional parliament.

However, air freight is incredibly expensive.  What is needed is a more balanced approach to agriculture within Madeira and Porto Santo so that reliance on imported goods can be lessened, especially concerning fruits, vegetables, and salad items. We have the space and the conditions, what is needed is strong government support and a change in attitudes towards those who work the land.

Samantha Gannon

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