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LGBTI Training in Santana

The ex aequo network, an association of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and supporters aged between 16 and 30, will be hosting an ‘ex aequo schools’ workshop on the 11th, 12th and 13th of March in Santana.

Every year the ex aequo network hosts an education event in different school locations across the country, with the aim of educating young people and encouraging them to volunteer for two of the associations projects: – the LGBTI Centres and the LGBTI Education Project, as well as training for volunteering in other educational activities. 

According to a statement, “the training for the LGBTI Education Project is aimed at young people who want to have an impact on the education of the new generations, and deconstruct prejudice and homo/bi/transphobic from an early age. Therefore, this project, aims teach children through education and through interaction with students and educational professionals, while seeking to transmit information on issues such as sexual orientation, gender identity and expression. Regarding the training of the Coordination of LGBTI Centers, this is aimed at young people who want to open and coordinate ex aequo centres, so that they can hold meetings, activities and events for LGBTI youth and the general population.”

For those interested, please visit

Samantha Gannon

info at

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