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Applications for CRI Now Open

Applications to benefit from the Regional Supplement for the Elderly (CRI) are open until the 31st of October this year.

Created using the region’s budget, the CRI aims to improve the living conditions of the elderly population, through cash benefits awarded as a regional supplement to pensions or those on the minimum social security benefits.

In 2024, this supplement benefited 2,672 people, representing an investment of around 3.5 million euros. It should be noted that, between 2021 and 2024, the amount of support increased by 53.49%, equivalent to 460.00 euros.

The CRI includes elderly residents in Madeira, aged 65 or over, who receive the Social Old-Age Pension and the Solidarity Supplement for the Elderly, the Old Age Pension of the General Social Security Scheme (amount equal to or less than 331.79 euros per month), the Social Benefit for Inclusion (at the current reference value), Disability Pension (amount equal to or less than 331.79 euros per month) and the minimum Widow’s Pension.

To benefit from the Regional Supplement for the Elderly, applicants must not be living in residential units for the elderly, or social establishments managed by public, private, or social sector entities (security and health).

For more information please visit the Balcão de Inclusão, na Loja do Cidadão, or:

Fill in the single application form for the initial assignment or the application form for updating applications and/or personal data. Applications must be submitted to the Regional Directorate for Citizenship and Social Affairs, to the various local services of the Social Security Institute of Madeira, IP-RAM, and to the Social Economy Entities of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, with whom a partnership agreement is signed for this purpose.

If successful, applicants will receive an additional 1,320 euros per year paid in quarterly installments.

Samantha Gannon

info at

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