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Santo da Serra Traffic Changes Cause Outrage

The Political Commission of the CDS-PP Madeira was present at a demonstration in Santo da Serra over the Municipality of Santa Cruz’s decision to create a one-way system through the high street of Santo da Serra. So now, you can only circulate through the main thoroughfare from the direction of the health centre (golf course end) to the petrol station.  The second lane has been designated for parking in selected areas.For those wishing to drive the other way, you will now have to access Estrada Dr. João de Gouveia, better known as “variant.”

The leader of the CDS-PP Madeira and spokesperson for this initiative, Ricardo Vieira, made a point of being present at this demonstration, and assured “that the party is in solidarity with the population of Santo da Serra, and against this measure.”

For the centrist leader, this “was a unilateral measure, without having previously had a period of public discussion,” which for the CDS, is mandatory. “We need to listen to people and know what they have to say about issues before we take measures,” added Ricardo Vieira.

He reiterated that “for the parking problem, particularly at weekends and especially Sundays, the Municipality of Santa Cruz had other alternatives. It could have created more parking spaces through the use of vacant land and traffic would have been able to circulate in both directions.”

Ricardo Vieira also recalled that this road was formerly a regional road. In other words, “the Regional Government ceded this road to the City Council and the regional road is now the variant. On the variant, or bye-pass there are no parking or conditions for public transport or tourist buses, and the government now has to pronounce their decision regarding the situation.

In conclusion, the spokesperson for the CDS reiterated that the municipality did not have the right to suddenly impose changes without prior consultation and a public study so that people could have a say in the management of their roads.

Samantha Gannon

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