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Suicide Attempt at Pináculo Viewpoint

A man prevented a tragedy last night at the Pináculo Viewpoint, by stopping another individual from jumping off the railings says a police source. According to the same source, a PSP patrol was called to the scene to take care of the incident, while a Red Cross Ambulance crew provided essential support to the victim.

After being rescued, the 55-year-old victim was transported to the hospital and was placed under observation.

In 2019, statistics show that female suicides equate to 3.5 per 100,000 people. Males, however, 11.6 per 100,000, a three-fold increase over female suicides.

The World Health Organisation identified in 2002 that “in much of the world suicide is stigmatised and condemned for religious or cultural reasons, with it being criminalised in many countries. Therefore, suicide is often a secretive act and often misclassified or hidden in official death records.”

Samantha Gannon

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