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Bela Vista Homes Needs Sorting Out

Chega leader, Miguel Castro, has expressed his deep concern about the deplorable conditions reported at the Lar da Bela Vista home.

In recent weeks, the deputies of this parliamentary group say that they have received complaints from family members of people living at the establishment, which point to an alleged serious lack of dignity and quality of life for residents, a situation, he considers ‘inadmissible.’

“Despite the fact that Lar da Bela Vista was recently acquired by the company ‘Atalaya Living, Care’, at the end of July last year, and the support of the resident’s pensions, conditions in the home continue to deteriorate,” says the party. “The lack of essential materials such as hot water, adult nappies, and sanitary/incontinence pads is reported, in addition to a glaring lack of qualified personnel and lack of compliance with the legislation regarding the resident-caregiver ratio. These circumstances represent an unacceptable disrespect for the rights of the elderly, who deserve to spend their remaining years in care and comfort.

Chega says it repudiates this situation and questions the liability of Social Security to act when faced with evidence of degradation and negligence.  Stating, “it is incomprehensible that, in the face of such serious complaints, the competent authorities have not yet taken concrete measures to ensure the improvement of conditions at Lar da Bela Vista.”

In this sense, the party led by Miguel Castro “demands that Social Security intervene immediately to correct this situation and that strict measures be implemented to inspect and control the quality of the services provided in this and other homes in the Region.” If the inaction persists, it states that it will request the creation of a commission of inquiry to the Social Security Institute to investigate not only the management of Lar da Bela Vista, but also of other homes in the Autonomous Region of Madeira that show signs of mismanagement, incompetence and, probably, personal favouritism.”

Finally, Miguel Castro reaffirms his party’s “commitment to defending the rights of citizens, especially the most vulnerable, and will not allow situations of abuse and neglect to go unpunished. “It is essential to ensure that the elderly in our region are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve”, he concludes.

Samantha Gannon

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