Press "Enter" to skip to content Now Uses Artificial Intelligence has announced the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the govgo product, which results from the partnership within the scope of the project applied in Data Science developed by four ISCTE-IUL students, Afonso Peças, Bernardo Arcão, Francisco Gomes, and Guilherme Soças under the coordination of Professor João Carlos Ferreira.

The consultation platform implemented in the second quarter of this year, centralises information regarding public tenders available in real-time. “The pressing challenge we face today lies in the integration of artificial intelligence into the solutions developed in-house,” says Pedro Paixão, CEO of

R&D projects allow us to assess whether a given market need will be successful in the implementation phase and allow the knowledge acquired to be transferred to civil society.

Founded in 2019, in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, is dedicated to multiplatform software development.

The solutions apply in particular to the areas of activity of e-Government, health, management, billing, and entertainment.

Samantha Gannon

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