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4 Euro Parking Fees in Pico do Areeiro

There are already solutions and procedures aimed at public procurement already underway to control the excess of cars looking for Pico do Areeiro. The Government’s intention is to have the new measures in place at the beginning of next year.

The Regional Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries, and Environment announced that electronic mechanisms will be implemented to control the entry of vehicles, with barriers, and there will be a panel informing drivers of the number of vacant spaces or not in the parking lot at Pico do Areeiro.

Speaking to Antena 1-Madeira, Rafaela Fernandes exemplified that, with 500 parking spaces, all occupied, “car 501 does not enter.” In other words, “in essence, the limitation of access for private vehicles is related to the number of parking available,” which will be monitored with barrier mechanisms and an information panel, which will allow, drivers, heading into Poiso whether there are spaces available and how long it may take to get a space.”

In addition, the minister revealed, works will be carried out in the parking lot next to the Sorveiras house, in order to increase capacity and relieve the existing pressure in the area.

Rafaela Fernandes pointed out that, the area ascending to Casa das Sorveira, will be reserved for light vehicles with people with reduced mobility and tourist mini buses, further down another car park will be created and, further up, next to the Radar, for tourist buses.

Furthermore, parking fees will be introduced.  However, there is a slight bit of confusion as one article stated that the first fifteen will be free and thereafter, a sum of 50 cents will be charged per 15 minutes (2 euros per hour).  That said, local newspaper, JM is heading up an investigation as the Regional Government has announced that car parking will cost 4 euros per hour in Pico do Areeiro, and there are no concessions for residents.

Samantha Gannon

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