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Camacha Folk Lore Group in America

The Folklore Group of the Casa do Povo da Camacha (GFCPC) will be in the USA between the 26th of July and the 6th of August, to celebrate the 108th Feast of the Blessed Sacrament in New Bedford – Massachusetts. A festival created by the Madeiran diaspora in the USA that the Clube Madeirense Santíssimo Sacramento organises annually.

“It was with great honour, emotion, and sense of responsibility that the GFCPC accepted this invitation to, once again, bring Madeira closer to those Madeirans who, with courage and hope, one day crossed the Atlantic, to build a new life,” highlighted Ricardo Vasconcelos, President of the Casa do Povo da Camacha.

They will certainly be days of great emotion, reunions, joy, and hope, always imbued with the mission of representing the traditional Madeiran identity and culture with the dignity that is due to it.

The president recalls that the GFCPC was already in the USA at the invitation of the Madeiran community of New Bedford in 1973 to participate in this same Festival and, in 2003, to participate in the 50th Anniversary of the Club.

At that time, along with participating in the celebrations, the Group organised an exhibition and donated to the Madeira Heritage Museum a costume of the late Maria Ascensão.

This time, in addition to the stage performances planned for every day of the Festival, which takes place between the 1st and 4th of August, the GFCPC will hold in New Bedford, a re-edition of the photographic exhibition Celebration. Folklore Group of the Casa do Povo da Camacha by Georgina Abreu, which was on display between February and April 2024 at the Casa da Cultura de Santa Cruz.

The President of the House of the People of Camacha will accompany the Group,

Samantha Gannon
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