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PSD: You Won’t Break Us

At the annual PSD party, Miguel Albuquerque was received resoundingly.

In his speech, he recalled that “everyone knows what our party has faced in the last six months, but we are not people to bend, we are not to break and after five months we won the three elections and continue to govern Madeira,” he said.

“Whoever wants to govern Madeira has to be with the votes of the people, not in the secretariat,” he said.

“There were some who thought that the PSD was going to be defeated and take advantage of the chaos, but we won. We are the ones who have credibility with the people,” he added.

“We are a party of the people, we are not of the elite. We are always close to the people, listening to them” thanking “the militants who are always present” and not those “who want to pot but never show up,” presenting the example of the JSD as one of the exponents of dedication.

Albuquerque also thanked “the work and dedication of our mayors, because we are a party of bases, of proximity…”.

The PSD leader recalled that “we are a social democratic party, forged in working men and women and not these opportunist parties that appear out there now,” taking the opportunity to thank the TSD and the Emigrants Nucleus.

He also provided all the support that the national PSD needs, with a special mention to Luís Montenegro, who knows that “Madeira is not soft ground.”

“Some thought it was easy to come here and take power by storm, they were wrong, the PSD continues to govern,” sharing with the audience some numbers that in his opinion attest to good governance.

He called for the Regional Finance Law to be revised and the Autonomy extended. “Forward is the way,” he echoed, already showing some hoarseness.

“From today we will start preparing the municipal elections. We have to be united, and not with internal wars. The opponent is outside the party and no one thinks he is going to break the party from within. We are here to fight the external adversary.”

“We are the Madeira of Autonomy, our party represents the Madeira that our parents, our ancestors dreamed of,” he said at the end.

Samantha Gannon

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