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Madeira Booking Rates ‘Good’

The Hotel Association of Portugal (AHP) presented, today, the most recent data on bookings for the summer months, as well as the balance for Easter, having reported promising months for the Region.

In the case of Madeira, the data released today shows that almost all respondents have a booking rate of more than 70% in June, followed by the Azores, with 86%.

In July, this indicator rises above 50% for 98% of respondents, while nationally 67% of respondents register a booking rate between 20% and 69%.

In the following month, August, in Madeira and the Algarve, the vast majority have booking rates above 50%.

Finally, in September, more than half of the respondents in the Azores (71%) report booking rates above 70%, in Madeira, almost all of them report rates above 50%.

As for the “Easter 2024 Balance” survey, by regions, Greater Lisbon was the destination with the highest occupancy rate, with 81%. This was followed by Madeira and the Setúbal Peninsula, both regions with an OT of 75%. The lowest OT was recorded in Alentejo, with 63%.

Nationwide, the average price per occupied room was €144, with the highest in Greater Lisbon (€176), followed by Madeira and Alentejo, with €152 and €151, respectively.

The average stay was 2.7 nights, with Madeira increasing to 4.2 nights.

In the North, Algarve, and Greater Lisbon regions, the majority of respondents indicated that income was worse. In Madeira, Centro, and Península de Setúbal, the majority of respondents indicated that the revenues were better.

Samantha Gannon

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