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Three Arrested in Riot

At least three people were reportedly arrested this afternoon following an altercation on Rua da Carreira, in the centre of Funchal.

As reported to JM by two witnesses who were at that location, near the junction with Rua das Cruzes, the riots involved a group of allegedly drunk men.

One of the owners of one of the bars in that area said that the situation has been recurring in recent weeks and that one of the residents had already called the police following a previous episode.

This time, at least three to four people were detained by the police, revealed the same source, who added that PSP officers and members of the Rapid Intervention Team (EIR) attended the scene.

Tempers are flying as one woman was stabbed as she and a neighbour fought over a tub of flowers.  Both the Funchal Fire Brigade and the Madeiran Volunteer Firefighters were called to the scene.

Samantha Gannon

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