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Madeira – Increase in Crime

According to the Annual Internal Security Report (RASI), Madeira had 7,209 reports of general crime, 5.9% higher than in 2022 and 399 more reports than in that year. In this area are crimes against property, crimes against other persons, crimes against life in society, those provided for in separate legislation, and crimes against the State. In the latter, there are crimes against companion animals, crimes of disobedience, and resistance and coercion.

In terms of violent and serious crime, of the 14,002 in the country, 221 (-17.8%) were in the Region. We are talking about cases such as voluntary homicide, kidnapping, kidnapping and hostage-taking, rape, criminal association, robbery on the public highway, among others.

However, Madeira was the second region in the country to show a reduction in this type of crime.

Samantha Gannon

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