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PEV Election Result Worries

In the aftermath of last night’s election, the Ecologist Party/The Greens (PEV) reiterated, today, its concerns about the results of yesterday’s election, especially in the face of the victory of the PSD and the votes obtained by other right-wing and populist forces.

In the party’s view, such a scenario “continues to leave the Autonomous Region unprotected in terms of social and environmental justice and in the hands of large economic interests that compromise its sustainable, balanced and fair development”.

“These results are, from the perspective of the PEV, largely built by the control of public media by the PSD, for decades, and by the media projection of populist and demagogic forces that do not pinch the current system.”

Despite a now more difficult situation, the Greens and the CDU reaffirm their commitment to continue acting in defence of populations and nature

For the PEV, this whole situation is further aggravated by the loss of parliamentary representation of the CDU, the only political force that, in his opinion, “has clearly confronted, for years, these vested interests with continuous action in defence of the populations, and unprotected natural and cultural heritage sites.”

Samantha Gannon

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