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Election Results

The results of yesterday’s elections show that the PSD won again, after having secured the confidence of 36.13% of the electorate, which translates into 49,103 votes.

This guarantees the party, led by Miguel Albuquerque, has 19 seats in the Regional Legislative Assembly/  However, they will now have to form a coalition to make up the extra 5 seats needed for a majority.

For its part, the PS was the second most voted force, but it was left with 21.32% (28,981 votes), corresponding to 11 seats.

The JPP, on the other hand, ensured a remarkable growth to 9 deputies (16.89%; 22,958 votes).

Behind them was Chega (9.23%; 12,541 votes), with four mandates, followed by the CDS (3.96%; 5,384 votes) who will have 2 ALRAM representatives.

IL (2.56%; 3,482 votes) and PAN (1.86%; 2,531 votes) will each have one deputy.

However, for the first time, Bloco de Esquerda (BE) and the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) have lost their seats. The PCP lost its seats in 1976 and 1988, while the BE failed to secure a legislative seat in 2011 and 2019. But this is the first time that they have been out in the cold together.

Samantha Gannon

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