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Complaints About Vale Paraiso Laundry

PAN Madeira received several complaints from the residents of Vale Paraiso, in Camacha, as pollution from the nearby laundry company is affecting nearby residents.

In a statement, the party says that “it has received several complaints through social networks from different residents of Camacha, who reside in the Vale Paraíso housing complex.” As such, PAN sent party representatives to the site to discuss the pollution and how it affects the surrounding residential areas.

“We know that the respective company is committed to saving energy through the combustion of biomass, a more environmentally friendly method than the use of fossil fuels, however, this still produces waste by-products and these need to be monitored and controlled. We consider this alert from the population to be important, as they say they have already complained multiple times. Changes have been made, but the smell, noise and smoke affects those living in close proximity to the laundry.

Companies have “a social and environmental responsibility” that cannot, for the PAN party, be disregarded. “Despite the investments made, it is necessary to ascertain and ensure that it complies with environmental parameters and in particular whether the filters are properly maintained.” defended a PAN representative, who now calls on government entities to openly investigate the situation and provide a solution that benefits both the company and local residents.”

Samantha Gannon

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