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MadeiraShopping: Fun For All the Family

The most magical month of the year has arrived at MadeiraShopping, and from music to cooking, not forgetting the reading of charming Christmas tales, the shopping centre has prepared a full programme of family activities.

Father Christmas is back in Madeira and will be present on Floor 0 of the shopping centre on the 10th, 16th, 17th, and 23rd from 11:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00 to welcome all children and families who want to have their photo taken with him, tell him what they would really like for Christmas, and personally deliver their letters.

But the surprises don’t stop there. As MadeiraShopping Christmas Cuisine is back, and brings with it the traditional smells and flavours of the season. Cinnamon, honey, tangerine, cloves, and other ingredients will fill the air, giving everyone passing that festive thrill. In need of a little Christmas fayre inspiration? Then talk to one of the chefs who will be able to give you some of their top tips and secret Christmas ingredients.  This initiative takes place on the 8th -10th, 16th, and 17th up until the 23rd. This all takes place on floor 0 and will be open from 11:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 20:00.

This year, MadeiraShopping is introducing its Reading Corner. The centre has built a space, on Floor 0, which invites everyone to read and be together. Furthermore, the area is designed to promote creativity and sustainability.  The space will be open throughout the month, and books can be taken and read anywhere within the centre, taken home or left at the Reading Room so that others can enjoy them. The initiative also aims to promote good reading habits amongst children and adults.

The Reading Centre is open between 10:00 – 23:00.

In addition to these activities, there will be several musical experiences between the 18th and 22nd.

Samantha Gannon

info at

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