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Parking Crisis in Pico do Areeiro Continues

Bad parking in Pico Do Areeiro is now a daily event, as tourism professionals again voiced their anger at the lack of consideration by drivers and their inability to park, preventing tour buses from being able to drive along the road in safety, let alone park.

Photographic records from this morning show a huge traffic jam at one of the island’s main tourist spots, which was almost impassable – especially for tour buses – due to tourists abandoning their cars without any thought of other road users.

Several tourism professionals returned this morning to make several harsh criticisms of the way motorists travel and park on the access road to Pico do Areeiro. The situation continues despite the constant warnings, the placement of signage, and the increase in the number of parking spaces available in the surrounding area.

Tour groups are now given the choice of either walking to the summit or driving on to somewhere more accessible.

Samantha Gannon

info at

Photo: JM

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