A blood donor campaign is underway to help the daughter of a Madeiran nurse, who is suffering from an cancer, and her only hope of survival is a bone marrow transplant.
The plea was issued from the Order of Nurses of the Region, who would like to remind potential donors that becoming a bone marrow donor does not cost anything, and that by doing so you can save a life. To qualify, you must be aged between 18 – 45, weigh a minimum of 50 kilos, be at least 1.50m tall, healthy, and have never had a blood transfusion.
All you have to do to register is fill in the form, which is available through the Madeira Nurses Association website, this can either be emailed to cedace@ipst.min-saude.pt, or faxed to (+ 351) 21 750 41 41.
Each candidate will be evaluated, and anyone with a match will be called forward to give blood at their local blood transfusion centre.
If you can help, please fill in the relevant forms, who knows, a simple act of kindness could save a young girls life.
Samantha Gannon
info at madeira-weekly.co,