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‘Stayaway Covid’ App

In Portugal over half a million people have downloaded the ‘Stayaway Covid’ application, according to the Assistant Secretary of State for Health and Health, Jamila Madeira.

The mobile application launched in Porto last week was attended by the Portuguese Prime Minister, António Costa, and allows people to to track, quickly and anonymously using the physical proximity between ‘smartphones,’ to tell users whether anyone in their location has been infected with Covid-19 over the past 14 days.

At the time, the head of Government considered that installing the application ‘Stayaway Covid’ on  mobile phones to be a “civic duty” in the fight against the pandemic until a vaccine exists.

However, consumer protection organization Deco Proteste aired their reservations on installing this application on mobile phones, invoking the possibility of undeclared and misuse of personal data by Google and Apple.

Samantha Gannon

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