Textile and clothing company, MO Tex – Márcia Oliveira Têxteis, based in Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal, will launch their new ‘sweat’ top this autumn which has a revolutionary integrated protection collar thus providing an alternative to face masks. The collar complies with all the necessary health and safety standards and breathability of a face mask.
Speaking to media outlet Lusa, company spokesperson Márcia Oliveira stressed that the idea was to create a “sweat” that was simultaneously effective, functional and attractive. “It is a product designed essentially for returning pupils to school. Instead of always having to wear the mask, students will only have to wear a ‘sweat.,’ This way, we can facilitate the safety of our children in a fashionable and practical way.”
The collar adjusts to fit the contours of the face and, in the frontal area, includes a nanofibre membrane that, according to Márcia Oliveira, provides a filtration level of 99.9 percent of all microorganisms and dangerous particles present in the air. All parts have the latest generation antimicrobial finish, with a neutralising effect on enveloped viruses, as is the case with Sars Cov-2.
Both technologies have already been tested by the Textile Research Institute, in Spain and the Institut Pasteur de Lile, in France, respectively.
The sweat will be available on the market from the end of September and it is also suitable for use by other group activities such as hiking.
The national market is the immediate target, but the company is already looking to export its merchandise to Spain and France.
Headquartered in Fradelos, Famalicão, MO Tex – Márcia Oliveira Têxteis was founded 6 months ago. Shortly afterwards, the covid-19 pandemic occurred and the resulting economic and social crisis forced many companies to reinvent themselves. “We did it.” Explained Márcia Oliveira. We were left with a ‘normal’ textile fabric and quickly turned our attention to products that were obviously not on our original horizon but which became a priority because of the pandemic.”
In addition to the sweat top, MO Tex has created masks, collars that serve as masks and tracksuits.
Even during times of adversity innovation and commercial drive can still thrive and triumph.
Samantha Gannon
info at madeira-weekly.com